Thursday, 19 May 2011


Not picked much up lately, mainly due to hittingmusic hard and working allot, however did manage to grab these off ebay, they was like £4! well good deal for what they are, i am a big fan of collecting comic series when there is only  few to complete the collection, so snatched these up!

love the artwork and the colours on these, not had a chance to read em yet, but deffo looking to get on them this week then possibly frame them on the wall, quite a few of the rooms in my house look like this...

Think its a great way to display some of those favorite comics rather than keeping them in a binder, colours look great too!

Also, Monday night consitsed mostly of this....

Me, Charlotte, Lizzie and Calpol hit up some dizzy dizzy dinosaur! cha's idea, and a good one! featured the game on this blog last year, good to have a game of it, even if cha does cheat :(

 my hands on tron!!! One of the best films so far of this year by far!!

Keep locked for more posts soon!!!

Not picked much up lately, mainly due to hittingmusic hard and working allot, however did manage to grab these off ebay, they was like £4! well good deal for what they are, i am a big fan of collecting comic series when there is only  few to complete the collection, so snatched these up!

love the artwork and the colours on these, not had a chance to read em yet, but deffo looking to get on them this week then possibly frame them on the wall, quite a few of the rooms in my house look like this...

Think its a great way to display some of those favorite comics rather than keeping them in a binder, colours look great too!

Also, Monday night consitsed mostly of this....

Me, Charlotte, Lizzie and Calpol hit up some dizzy dizzy dinosaur! cha's idea, and a good one! featured the game on this blog last year, good to have a game of it, even if cha does cheat :(

Keep locked for more posts soon!!!

Monday, 2 May 2011


Grabbed this today along with a couple of the figures, the box is a little tatty but the vehicle itself, and the mechanism inside is in perfect condition, great car boot find!!

Then i got hold of this tin, full of mego and gi-joe parts....

Then got some nice cups and bowls for my retro vitchen!!

i grabbed these wicked kellogg's cereal toys too..

These are things i had a while, but live in my kitchen and are pretty kool!!

thanks for checkin! any help/feedback/comments ALWAYS apriciated :)