Not picked much up lately, mainly due to hittingmusic hard and working allot, however did manage to grab these off ebay, they was like £4! well good deal for what they are, i am a big fan of collecting comic series when there is only few to complete the collection, so snatched these up!
love the artwork and the colours on these, not had a chance to read em yet, but deffo looking to get on them this week then possibly frame them on the wall, quite a few of the rooms in my house look like this...
Think its a great way to display some of those favorite comics rather than keeping them in a binder, colours look great too!
Also, Monday night consitsed mostly of this....
Me, Charlotte, Lizzie and Calpol hit up some dizzy dizzy dinosaur! cha's idea, and a good one! featured the game on this blog last year, good to have a game of it, even if cha does cheat :(