ever so sorry for the LOOONGEST update wait in the world, but been hella busy with setting up our record label (info and websight coming soon) and Gym 3 days a week now so busy busy busy...however, not stopped me collecting wikid stuff, just uploading the pics on here for you guys! so very sorry for the lack of updates and message replies (really apriciate all the emails and messages from people who are checking the blog! please keep em coming i will get round to all of you i promise!)
Anyway, without further adue...lets show what i picked up in last couple months :P.....

Had a good day n Cleethorpes with my mate paul, BIIIG fan of the traditional british sea side holiday, and cleethorpes is pnly a train ride away so deciede to go other week and have a day there,
One of my fave things about the Sea side is the Arcades! being a bigggg gaming fan, i love seeing what machines i find, first one i saw was this!...

if only i could have took this home! (wasnt plugged in which was disapointing so didnt get to play it...but i have photoshoped a pic on the screen to give an idea :P

Had a blast on classic Soul Blade and Mortal Komabt (also had a blast on ridge racer!! one of ma fave driving games ever) sadly didnt get a pic of that machine like a dork :S
Also found this wikid 'hammerhead' machine, which looked like it used the moulds from street sharks!?

These were also one of my fave things as a kid! the machine rides you sit in, but these ones in particular, they are like bio speeder bikes! lol reminded me allot of power lords!

speaking of power lords, grabbed this Trigor other day!!! been after this guy for sooooooooo long, had him as a kid and he is just as kool now as he was back then!

Also...my younger sister showed me a music video before with all wind up toys in it....i wanted the crab one in it so baddd....then to my luck i found the little guy in a shop in cleethorpes!
this wind up crab is tooo kool, propper love it, check the vid of him on my patio reiiiiiiiiight good!

so yeah good day in cleethorpes....
Now carboot finds....
Got this wikid cassette case holder...obviouslly no one has need for casette tapes anymore (even me!) but makes a wikid pencil case, love sonic!

Also grabbed some old board games, now i dont care how boring ppl think they are i love board games,
The first one is a transformers one, dont think all the pieces are here but couldnt resist it! check the 'transforming' playing pieces that come with it!....

And then this DIZZIE DIZZIE DINOSAUR one...i had this as a kid and its all complete with dice figures and the awsome wind up dinosaur that comes with the game too....

also...got this which was the prize buy of the day! Finally got an NES have been addicted to Mario Bros for the past 2 week, need to get ninja turtles and battle toads maaayn!

I also got this guy given to me....one of the few rock lords i needed to finish my collection, he usually goes for daft money so was well happy to add him to the set, shock rocks are wikid!

also got these bad boys given to me...origional ZIG & ZAQ puppets & a mighty ducks key ring!!

The other week i was in manchester, so called in a vintage shop i like to check out and came out with a Toxic Crusaders comic....AND an orio=gional 12" storm trooper what a find!!!!

Also, some HE-MAN boxer shorts from Primark!! gotta love primarnie...

And last of all, a kool skull cup (gotta love gifts from mom!) aswell as these skull salt and pepper shakers! aruffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

There is a few more bits to show but havent got time right now, again sorry for the lack of updates ut do please keep checking back and look out for lots of new stuff very soon!!
Theo :P