But deffo looking forward to Christmas, went out last night so missed 'jingle all the way' on TV...my favorite Christmas movie! haha have to cop it on DVD this week sometime cause Christmas isn’t Christmas without jingle all the way and national lampoons! (Watched that other night though!
Anyway...on to some toxic figures! Not much to show... did get some nice GI-Joe's this week though!...
Also, got this vintage Raphael money box, and have got Donatello on the way from the same series (saw one in Brighton in the big second hand antique emporium but was a little overpriced for my budget that day, but managed to grab this one after for a great price so was all good!
i do love how tacky it is, its obviously not an official product, but i do love my vintage knock off stuff...
Also, bought this box set from HMV £12?!?! all 5 films with a bonus disk, I watched all these growing up, but haven’t watched them for so long, put the first one in the DVD player and have been Hooked!! I love the look of all the gorillas riding on the black horses with there leather amour and rifles, ALL the characters are so well written, especially Dr. Zaius, is ignorance is so frustrating, great character to hate! and its got to be said that Linda Harrison is so amazing as 'nova' the mute tribal cave girl,
I have watched 1 and 2 so far, and my daysssss do I enjoy these movies! Such a good concept, and such powerful scenes, loving every minuet of them, going to get the 3rd one on tonight: P
and as for car boots...its been a while, allot of the organizers don’t put car boots on through the winter months, but I went to one this morning, was a good 45 minuet walk to get to it (taking my driving test January 20th so this should not be a problem as of then) but managed to grab a few things I will be showing on here in the coming weeks...anyone for a nice Rambo figure knock off review? Coming soon! Watch this space....
Hey, man! I don't know how I missed this one! I guess the holidays had me all distracted and such. Congrats on moving out on your own! That's a huge step, man! Great figure finds up there, especially the Resolute Cobra Commander! That thing is AWESOME! Nice Turtle bank! It's so goofy it's cool! I especially want to say WICKED on that Planet of the Apes set-- those movies are exceptionally good films. Enjoy them! Have fun in your own place, man!