Anyway...battle rapping aside I need to firstly say how amazing Brighton is for toxic shopping...when I went to Brighton in June I did not get a chance to check any of the shops there, but that was different this time, as I found the best row of shops ever!
I Managed to grab these amazing Osiris trainers (was hypnotized by them the second I laid eyes on them!
And also, this amazing transformers hoodie...
EVERY one of them had amazing toys clothes art galleries and antique shops, it seriously was the best place I have ever been too for picking up toys and clothes!
There were rows and rows of shops, full of cute vintage kitsch for the girls, and toxic robot alien destruction fighters for the boys!
I found a massive emporium FULL of 60s, 70s, and 80's toys, house wares furniture comics, Games, EVERYTHING you could ever want! Some of it was overpriced witch is why I had to turn down the vintage Ultra man and tomy dustbot I wanted, but I did manage to grab a nice 'Sectaurs' figure I needed! So wasn’t all bad news, ( in the pic he has none of his weapons...he did not have his weapons with him but I do have them stored away in my moving boxes so will get a better pick of him with his accessories at a later date :P
I also got these....I think they are the single BEST invention I have EVER seen in my whole life....seriously...
There f**king ninja star coat hooks?!?!?! They actually look like a ninja star has been thrown at the wall and you can hang your hats and coats on them, holy sh*t?!?! Why did I never know about these things before?! I bought 6 of them...they was slightly overpriced at £7.95 each but that’s how much they are on EBay and stuff so decided to just get a nice bungle of them for when I move into my new house (sent them the deposit yesterday so I am now a legal home owner! moving in next Saturday fingers crossed!!!)
Obviously I could not put them up in my hallway just yet...but could not resist screwing them into the side of the shed to show how brilliantly amazing and real they look!
So all in all Brighton was nothing but a great weekend (if you don’t count the 4 hours of no legroom we had to endure on the way down and coming back on the coach) and to top it all off, look what a very tired me found on the way home at London Victoria station….
It’s a London buss transformer, Epic! (Not a fan of the new transformers style, design, story, concept ANTYTHING) but you got to admit, this guy is holding it down!
and just very quickly on a side note…if you are a collector of transformers figures…then you seriously need to grab this book, its an unofficial Japanese collectors guide to Gen 1 figures, but its got almost every figure in there with all there weapons and accessories on full layout display, great for reference when wanting to complete a figure….
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