So you all recognise this guy right?... Toxie, from the Toxic crusaders, T.C have to be one of my all time best loved nostalgic action figures, i loved the T.V show, i loved the merchandise 'what little there is' just everything about it appeals to me, and in case you didn't notice its actually the inspiration for the name of this very blog :P Now, over the many months i have been running this blog i have featured toxic avengers quite allot, and i am actually planing on doing a whole review of them (very much like the super naturals and buckey o'hare ones i did) but still need a few accessories to complete the figures in my collection, so wont be doing it just yet...however, i couldn't resist grabbing this guy!... TITAN TOXIE!! as i call him was an Ebay find i treat my self too, (there's actually a couple more left on there so go grab one if you like him!) and, i wont lie, it was dearer than i would have liked to pay (the £12 customs charge i had to pay didn't help either!) but i had to have this figure, Its box is very slack on Text or information, in fact there is literally none at all, no date, no license, bar code, nothing, which makes me think this Item MAY be bootleg, but the quality of the figure and the box make that hard for me to believe, However, this is easily one of the best figures i own, i love it and will defo take pride of place in my new toy cabinets!! Lots more stuff coming soon, keep checking back!
Sorry for the lack of updates, been major busy! two more cabinets today, looking awsome! cant wait till the whole collection is put in them, i have worked it out i can fit around 18 cabinets in there, so gonna keep buying em when i get time to go to IKEA and hopefully by the end of the year have a whole room full! Really love how they bring out the colours of the collection, aswell as displaying all the figures to there full pottential!
Anyway, keep checkin back for new stuff, gotta dash! today is the hottest day of the year and i havent stopped all day from cutting grass to driving to leeds to fixing up cabinets (which were a paint to begin with but think i got the hang of em now!) lol so literally just finished, but wanted to get the pic up straight away!
Grabbed these last week from the 1989 Kenner Beetlejuice action figure line. The Beetlejuice Creepy cruiser and Phantom Flyer Vehicles Both these In great condition and was really happy when they was found at a carboot for me and given to me for just the £4 that was payed for them!... Firstly, the creepy cruiser is a vehicle i had as a kid and rememer hours of fun playing with it, it has a crazy mechanism on the back were you can pick up enemies, spin them around like mad then send them flying with the catapult action it features, i especially love the Bull head on the front (and although not shown) the scultping of the spiders and shassey on the underside of the car!
Then we got the Phantom Flyer, never had this as a kid but wish i did (as well as the vanishing vault which i want baaaad!) this can transform from a Bike to a glider, dropping the wheel of the front and turning into a grabbing mechanism, Now the only problem i have with this vehicle is that the figures struggle to sit on it! the beetlejuice figures were all sculpted in very stiff sturdy auquard poses which makes them hard to stand up let alone fit in a vehicle (thank heavens for figure stands!)
Thought i would post a picture of a couple of my other Beetlejuice figures, also, i really love the small creatures of beetleuice you get with the action figures and the fact you can pull the heads of most of the main figures and switch them around (apologise again for these not being shown, didnt have much time when photographing these) you really do have to apriciate the likeness of these sculpts to actor Michael Keaton's face, i think there spot on to say they were just an action figure for kids.
Also...Got these given me last week... They are clearly planet of the apes minitures, but i am not shure if they have been painted by someone who had them as part of a model/craft kit or they were just issued with poor paint jobs, either way they are great! shame the Gorillas dont have there horses (looks by the pins in there legs they were ment to be sat on steeds!)
And then these 2...
Looks like Dr. Zeus and Zira (both painted wrong but would deffo appear to be them judging by the clothing worn) I dont know were these guys came from origionally, they have no markings on there backs, and may even be bootleg, either way i LOVE planet of the apes, its an amazing series of movies and all the merchandise assosiated with it is pure classic If any of the toxic figures blog readers do have any info on these unknown figures please let me know! would be greatly apriciated
Anyway thanks for stopping by in the forbidden zone! and peace for now!
After seeing the buckey o'hare figures i gave Fairley next to his computer (my previous post)I decided to photograph my propper collection for the blog, i am sure you all know about these figures, so wont rant too much, but just wanted to let you know, these are one of my personal favorite childhood action figure lines ever produced(i knew this all the more when i almost lost Dead Eye and buckey during my reception classrooms redecoration when i was 5 years old!) Buckey o hare has always been something i hold very close to my heart, i think it had great characters, design and its ashame it never got a revamp as i think it would merchandise even better today than it did in the early 90's Anyway... I wanted to throw up some kool pics i took of them here for you all to see. So hope you like em!
So first off we got my fave character, Dead Eye duck! i dunno what it is but i always love wise cracking ducks in cartoons and comics n stuff, weather its donald, daffy, howard...there is always something about loud mouthed ducks that i think is propper funny lol
Then we got Buckey O'Hare, the leader of the United Animals Federation.
Bruiser...the Muscle of the team...
Now not for the fact that these are two of my earliest childhood toys, but i always saw a good likeness between bruiser and F.L.U.F.F.I from Bionic 6 so thought i would throw in a pic of my ionic 6 F.L.U.F.F.I's to see what you thought, one of these i grabbed out 4 months ago from a carboot, the other i have had since before i can remember...
then we have Commander Dogstar! twin blaster wielding faithfull ally of buckey and probably my second fave character of the series...
Then we got Willy DuWitt...crazy name for a guy i am sure you will agree...Willy is a sanfransisco born Kid who gets sucked through a portal into the animals paralel universe and ends up taking on the role of Bruce after he dies as the teams Engineer, The only part i am missing to my whole collection is Willy's glasses! wich is annoying as they are so small fragile and transparent the chances of me ever getting them are slim
And The Last of the good guys (or at least the ones that made it to action figure..there were quite a few unproduced characters who would have been amazing as figures, some of them made it to prototype form but no further) Blinky! the trusted Android of the United Animals Federation. and the fact he has the one big eye makes him just that bit cooler!
Then we got the Bad guys...
Firstly we got Toad Air Marshall, the highest deciding enemy force after COMPLEX also issued with a green weapon (these figures have majour colour variations on the weapons so if you are a collector bare that in mind!)
Toad Borg...Android Henchman elite troop of COMPLEX, a cyborg toad who deffo fills the slot for the Muscle of the evil toad empire
Al Negator...Evil spy of the toad empire and probably my fave badguy of the series...
And finally one of the storm toad, when you are a kid and you want to play with your action figures you kinda need more than just one of these kinda toys, same with starwars storm troopers, of turtles foot soldiers, you do need more than just the one to really act out the action scenes propperly, but none the less, this guy is wikid, apart from his inability to stay stood up for more than two minuits, the way the feet are sculpted makes it hard for him to stay standing but yeh, a wikid figure deffo!
aaaaaaaaaaaaand, finally! check out this awsome Buckey O'Hare lunchbox, the flask is missing a lid, but still looks wikid on the toy shelf, and has even been known to get used from time to time lol
So there you have it, hope you enoyed my breakdown of the buckey o hare action figures, never really know what to write as the pics say so much them selves, but thought i would end this post with the intro to what is and will always be one of my fave cartoons and action figure lines produced!
Allot more kool stuff to come bloggers, keep checking back!
BTW...when my darwin mates came to sheff, i gave one of them (fairley) some buckey o'hare figures in exchange for a vintage boba fett and Taun taun...thought they looked sick next to his PC in his studio so took a picture...?
Just thought i would update sum new stuff while i have the time as will probs be busy next weekend training for a rap battle tournament next week with my tag team partner. So here is a few bits to keep you entertained incase i cannot get on next week! First off, check this Godzilla figure, got it last year from a carboot sale, stil one of my fave godzilla toys! Got this R2D2 bath bubble a couple weeks ago from Tansley, fell in love with it straight away, i love how its just plain silver and blue plastic, gives it a real cheap feel wich you gotta love when it comes to vintage memorabillia like this lol check this guy, his name is 'FLATCHOO' and is actually a figure from the mall soldiers movie, although he didnt appear in the film there is still a figure of him, and thought he looked wikid specially with his axe and missile (he actually fires a chunk of his own lava body out the top of his back!) hardcore shit...
This toy i have had since before i can even remember, a troll from Dungeons and Dragons...
Got these 2 bad boys the same day i got the R2D2...they are knock off planet of the apes figures, using Remco MOTU style wrestler bodies with ape heads, check the monkey ones cape, gangster!
Then i also go this last week, my Sectaurs collection is getting better as the weeks go by, wanna try and get all of em!
Finally, wanted to show you this....grabbed in the same day as i got the Planet of the apes and R2D2...
A wikid glass shelfing unit, its only from Ikea but looks amazing for displaying figures, specially when its got lighting in, what i plan to do is buy a couple of these every fortnight or so so i can eventually have the whole room in glass cabinets, cant wait!
Check this wikid car i got on the same day too, its kind alike a mad 70's space car with the kool sparking action under the wind screen when you wind it up ...
Anyway, sorry bout the spelling today, didnt have time to spell check it, just wanted to keep the blog rolling this week, hope you like the stuff i have collected! more coming very soon... PEACE YO!
Completed the main part of my Tonka's supernaturals collection last week so wanted to display them on here! i have always been a majour fan of these guys just chose not to display them untill i had each figure complete, they kinda combigned 2 of my fave figure series Masters of the universe and visionaries, so were always gonna be a winner with me as a kid, and to own the full set again is wikid, allot of the pictures dont show the holograms inside them, but you get the idea as holograms can be real hard to photograph, Anyway check them out in all there holographic glory!!
Eagle Eye.
Skull. couldnt they have thought of a less Generic name for this guy?!) Gotta love his eye ball weapon arsenal though! if you dont know by know, i am a big fan of eyeballs.
Snake Bite.
Got these guys too, not complete, but good to show, only problem with them is they have strange rubber skin on there hands wich deteriates in time kinda like the roll back skin on the old steve austin 6 milliion dollar man figures arms...
And finally... Grabbed this which now resides on my wall, an origional promo one shot comic released around the same time of these guys release...
more kool stuff coming soon, keep checking back! Arufffffffffffffff
Got these given me as a present 2 days ago, check this one first...'MAD LAB'...
Basically, its the head of Frankensteins monster, and its a game were you have to remove segments of his head, so you take out his eyes, nose, tongue, teeth ect, its actually pretty sick.
My fave bit is the back of his head you can remove some kind of gland which is just messed up, all in all a great gross out toy! and gross out toys are my ultimate fave!
And then this one...'TOMB OF DOMB'...
Some kind of mad Egyptian tomb game were you have to guess the right key to escape with the treasure from the chest, if you use the wrong key, the head shakes and rattles and laughs, its mad, i love it! A great gift, thanks!! :P